Colombians main sport is soccer and her soccer balls production has increased in the last years. Colombia is not on the top of producers of soccer balls such as China, Pakistan, Thailand, Germany and Belgium, but it is going up each year through her high quality soccer ball called GOLTY and through small families producers located in Monguí municipality (Boyacá region). The total global production of soccer balls was 60 million in 2013 and Colombia did it with 591 thousand; these Colombian soccer balls were taken by local consumers with 92% and by foreigners consumers from Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia and Turkey mainly. Moreover, the demand of soccer balls in Colombia has shown an important increase in the last years; per 100 young males in Colombia, there are 6 soccer balls in 2013.
Author: Humberto Bernal,
Twitter: Humberto_Bernal
The soccer game is taking the attention around the World because of World Cup and Colombia is not the exception. Therefore, this note deals with soccer balls market in Colombia, so what is the state of this market in Colombia?. To answer this question the local production, international trade and local demand are taken. The main conclusion is Colombia is not on the top of producers of soccer balls as China and Pakistan, but Colombians demand this type of balls to be on the top of soccer teams around the World.
Colombia makes soccer balls for local demand and to export. Colombia increased her production of soccer balls from 303 thousand units in 1995 to 594 thousand in 2013 as figure 1 shows; it means an anual growth average rate of 3.8% between 1995 and 2013. The main producers in Colombia are Escobar y Martínez that began to produce balls in 1950, moreover they make the official soccer balls to Colombian major team called GOLTY; this type of ball GOLTY is the symbol of Colombia soccer and its quality is excellent as many foreigners said. There are other producers such as GERMAN PEÑA that represents soccer balls producers located in the municipality Monguí in Boyacá region. There are other producers located in Cúcuta, Medellín, Cali, Barranquilla and finally in Bogotá as figure 2 shows.
Figure 1. Soccer balls market in Colombia 1995-2013
(number of soccer balls)
Source: Superintendencia de Sociedades Colombia and Encuesta Anual Manufacturera Colombia.
Figure 2. Soccer balls production places in Colombia 2013
Source: Superintendencia de Sociedades Colombia and Encuesta Anual Manufacturera Colombia.
The soccer balls production around the World is competitive, but Colombia is getting room. The annual production of soccer balls around the World is about 60 million of balls where China, Pakistan, Thailand, Germany and Belgium lead the supply. In terms of international trade, China and Pakistan share with 68% of total units of soccer balls exported as figure 3 shows. The total volume of soccer balls traded were 22 million of soccer balls in 2013. Although Colombia is not on the top places for exporting this type of balls, she exported 13 thousand units in 2013; the main places that demand Colombian soccer balls are Venezuela with 33% of total soccer balls exported in 2013, Ecuador with 29%, Bolivia with 29% and Turkey with 8%. The balance trade of soccer balls in Colombia is negative; it means that Colombians import more soccer balls than those exported; figure 4 shows this trade, and it shows an important increase to reach a net result of 5,158 units in 2013. The main countries that export soccer balls to Colombia are China with 59% of total soccer balls imported in 2013, Viet Nam with 17%, Pakistan with 8% and Thailand with 7%.
Figure 3. Main countries where soccer balls are made in 2013
(total production 60 million of units)
Source: Superintendencia de Sociedades Colombia, Encuesta Anual Manufacturera Colombia, TradeMap and United Nations Data Comtrade.
Figure 4. Trade balance for soccer balls in Colombia
(exports minus imports, units of soccer balls)
Source: Superintendencia de Sociedades Colombia, Encuesta Anual Manufacturera Colombia, TradeMap and United Nations Data Comtrade.
The demand of soccer balls has increased in the last years in Colombia. The main sport in Colombia is soccer, nonetheless the Colombia major team was an average team at international events. However, in the last years Colombia major team has advanced in places on international ranks. This advances are not randomly if one checks the demand of soccer balls in Colombia. Figure 5 shows the per capita demand per 100 of males between 15 and 44 years old in Colombia between 1995 and 2013; as one realises, this demand has increased from 4 soccer balls in 1995 to 6 soccer balls in 2013; therefore, more young Colombians are interested on playing soccer each year. If this interest along government economic support carries on, maybe next generation of Colombia major teams could get more international trophies.
Figure 5. Per capita demand per 100 of males between 15 and 44 years old in Colombia 1995-2013
(number of soccer balls)
Source: Superintendencia de Sociedades Colombia, Encuesta Anual Manufacturera Colombia, TradeMap and United Nations Data Comtrade.