Sunday, March 17, 2013

Tertiary education as opportunity to reach a better society

Tertiary education is the education that comes after high school, for instance university education and technological education. This type of education is important to make society aware of the importance of productivity and remember us the importance of the human being. Country which highlight for high tertiary education are South Korea, The United States and Finland with a School Enrollment Tertiary Indicator no less that 90%. Unfortunately Colombia shows a low indicator, this indicator is 39.1% that means that 39.1% of people are enrolled in tertiary education (this indicator takes into account people who must be at tertiary education, they are between 16 and 30 years old). In economic terms, more people with tertiary education let reaching more variety of manufactured merchandise to local consumption and to export.

Autor: Humberto Bernal,

Tertiary education (higher education such as university degree and technological degrees) must be a public good, it means it has to be affordable by everybody, easy access and no discrimination (either through lack of money or malfunction system, for instance discrimination). Countries which have been done the proper job in education are South Korea, the United States, Finland, Slovenia and new Zealand with a School Enrollment Tertiary Indicator above of 80.0% (it means 80% of people who must be at tertiary school, they are). Figure 1 shows this indicator for many countries, if country is brown dark, it means the country has a proper tertiary education coverture, as one realizes those countries in Africa show the lowest level of coverture; and Wester Europe and North America have the highest coverture. 

Figure 1. School enrollment, tertiary
(% gross, latest value since 2005 to 2012)

Source: World Bank DATA and WolframAlpha map.

Unfortunately Colombia does not show a high tertiary education coverture, this indicator is 39.1% (the yellow color in the map). Colombia has 5,746,848 of active people who has reached a tertiary degree in 2011 (people who finished the tertiary education) as figure 2 shows, the average annual growth rate is 3.74% between 2000 and 2012 and they share in 23.4% of people older than 24 years old in 2011. (Colombia has  24.5 million of people older than 24 years old in 2011 and a total population of 45 million in 2011). To improve this indicator, tertiary education coverture has to be spread through whole Colombia, regions where School Enrollment Tertiary Indicator is  low are Chocó with a indicator of 5.3%; Vaupés with 5.7%, Amazonas with 7.3% and Putumayo with 9.2%. Goverment and private sector have to improve this indicator through better tertiary schools, high quality teaching and professors who look for real development instead to reprobate students as measure of teachers’ knowledge. 

Figure 2. People who have tertiary education in Colombia 2001-2011
(million of people)

Source: Government Bureau of Statistics (Dane and Department of Education).

Benefits from getting high School Enrollment Tertiary Indicator are people who values the life (it is not a secret that Colombia is one most violent countries around the World with a 35.9 homicides per 100 thousand of people) and through better education Colombia will export more variety of manufactured products as figure 3 shows, this figure is the relation between School Enrollment Tertiary Indicator and manufactured exports for 87 countries in 2010, this relation is positive as the straight line shows, therefore tertiary education let getting a better society and productive country that can be competitive in this global economy. Colombian society hopes SENA (government education institution) and other public and private education institutions can improve this indicator nearly to 70% in the next two years through income tax called CREE and crude oil and mining royalties.

Figure 3. Manufacture Exports and  School Enrollment Tertiary 2010
(87 countries)

Source: World Bank Data.

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